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    CLSR > 2.Department > D.Min. > Thesis >  Item 987654321/1541

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    Title: 靈修指導應用於教會牧養事工之可行性研究:模塑新竹北門聖教會的靈修指導
    Authors: 林明月
    Contributors: 中華信義神學院
    Keywords: 靈修指導
    Date: 2021-06
    Issue Date: 2021-06-28 10:32:56 (UTC+8)
    Publisher: 新竹:中華信義神學院
    Abstract: 本論文主要研究靈修指導應用於教會牧養事工之可行性。本文嘗試通過研究來證明靈修指導對地方教會會友的靈性提升有幫助,並指出在哪些層面有幫助;同時
    因著會友們的踴躍參與,總共回收了255 份問卷,通過分析得知,新竹北門聖教會有八成七的受訪者是有基督徒友伴或靈修導師,他們曾經被幫助,靈性得以提
    升;並且意識靈性低落時,有四成三109 位受訪者會尋找靈修導師或屬靈同伴的協助。這些人一方面在靈性上給予受導者支持和陪伴,另一方面也在生活上提供屬靈
    This thesis primarily examines the feasibility of providing spiritual direction to church pastoral ministry. Our research was done to explore the effect of prove that spiritual direction is helpful to the spiritual improvement of local church members. Finally,according to the results of the research, the equipment courses for training spiritual directors were compiled, and then the spiritual direction of the local church was modeled.Then, based on the results of the history and background, it is concluded that the spiritual direction model and the corresponding spiritual disciplines that are still applicable today,and this model is suitable for use by the local church; then based on the researched spiritual direction model and the corresponding spiritual disciplines, the design The questionnaire is provided for the members of Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church to fill in.
    From the results of the questionnaire, we can understand the influence of spiritual directionon the members, and confirm that the spiritual direction can be applied to pastoral ministry,and provide a complete set of spiritual directors for Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church. Training courses (the church has preliminary use of spiritual direction,but there is no complete plan yet) to help continue to mold the spiritual direction of the Northgate Holiness Christian Church in Hsinchu.
    The history of providing spiritual direction can be seen in the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible. It began to develop in the time of the Church Fathers, and then has its trajectory in every generation. It is not a Catholic property and possession,although it is in the Catholic Church. Its development is quite extensive, especially in the progression from the godfather of the desert to monasticism, which left significant amount of literature as evidence. Seen in research and exploration, providing spiritual direction is from God, and it was used in the Bible very much. Through the Christian church spirituality history, the books and documents of spiritual masters, examples of offering spiritual direction is widely seen. Yes, on the contrary, the use of Catholicism tends to lead to laws
    and regulations, but its literature is to confirm that it has a certain degree of help to the pastoral care of the church.
    There are many models on spiritual direction. Our research collected data from three domains, then analyzed, integrated, and critiqued their feasibility from the perspective and context of local church use, and finally we adopted the best model of practice. Data was collected from: first, deeds and examples that have appeared in the Bible; second,documents related to spiritual direction in the history of the church; and third, actual records of services of spiritual direction provided by modern spiritual directors as their experience
    is most suitable for our current situation. Due to the scope and research limitations, this study selected representative examples from the early church of Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Christ as the main research. Finally, consider and design through the spiritual direction model used by the appropriate local churches, we developed a questionnaire to provide to members of the author’s church, Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church. The goal is to understand whether the model of the spiritual direction used by Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church can be applied to the pastoral ministry of the church. Positive outcome of this study can be helpful to provide insights in extending to other churches. In addition, the Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church has carried out sporadic spiritual direction for a long time in the past to help members
    improve their spirituality, but there is no complete curriculum design yet. This research continues to compile a set of three years of training spiritual directors through the research results. Equipment courses.
    A total of 255 questionnaires were collected and the members actively participated.Through analysis, it is found that 87% of the interviewees of Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church have Christian friends or spiritual directors, and they have been helped to improve their spirituality; and when their spirituality is down, 43% of 109 respondents Interviewees will seek help from spiritual directors or spiritual companions. On one hand,
    they provided spiritual support and companionship. On the other hand, it also had provided spiritual advice and direction in life. Spirituality is not a momentary feeling, but a way of life. The spiritual teacher helps the mentee to connect spiritual practice to daily life. The
    main goal is to live out the life of Christ as the principle. In addition, about 58% of the members have helped other people’s spiritual growth. which shows that the interviewees are willing to participate in the growth of others' lives. As many as 96% of the members feel that their spirituality has grown significantly after receiving spiritual direction. It can be seen that spiritual direction takes up more than half of the service cases provided in the
    Hsinchu Northgate Holiness Christian Church. Therefore, the study results verify that
    spiritual direction as a service is helpful and can improve the spirituality of members of a local church. The feasibility of inclusion of spiritual direction to church pastoral ministry shows a profoundly positive impact.
    Appears in Collections:[D.Min.] Thesis

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